Report Infringement of Your IP RightsReport Infringement of Your IP Rights
Enforcement of intellectual property rights is the responsibility of the right holder. However, businesses and individual right holders can report infringement of their U.S. intellectual property rights to U.S. federal agencies for criminal or border enforcement in some cases.
Right holders may use the following reporting tools:
For one-stop general reporting: Use the IPR Center Referral Form
The IPR Center encourages industry and trade associations to report violations of intellectual property rights through its website. Guidance on suggested information to include when reporting a suspected violation is available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.
If the IP theft is perpetrated using the Internet or other cyber means: File a Complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (FBI)
If the IP theft is not Internet-related: Contact Your Local FBI Office
If the suspected intellectual property rights violations falls under the authority of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI): Complete the HSI Tip Form
If the IP infringment is related to illegal imports or exports: Complete the CBP e-Allegations Form
If your product is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Report Illegal Activity to the FDA
Read more about these and other U.S. federal agencies and their intellectual property enforcement efforts.